Legal and business insights for impact-driven changemakers
June 15, 2023 - Resources

MoFo + BSR: ESG Influencers–Leading Transformative Change Episode 8: Business Implications of the Supreme Court's Ruling on Affirmative Action

MoFo and BSR’s monthly conversation series, ESG Influencers – Leading Transformative Change, showcases an influencer from the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) arena, providing insights on how they are leading transformative change to help build a more sustainable future.

The eighth episode in this series focuses on the “Business Implications of the Supreme Court’s Ruling on Affirmative Action,” with Michael McAfee, President and CEO at PolicyLink, and Jarrid Green, Co-director, Center for Business and Social Justice, at BSR. The discussion is led by Mark L. Whitaker, Co-chair of the Intellectual Property Litigation Practice and Co-chair of the Diversity Strategy Committee at MoFo.

The discussion provides insights on the potential impacts on company diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and social justice initiatives, as the Supreme Court seems poised to strike down affirmative action in two pending college admission cases. Michael and Jarrid provide background on the two college admission cases and race conscious affirmative action precedent in the university context, including the trend of states seeking and (in some cases) passing laws limiting diversity and bias trainings, the uptick in cases seeking to challenge diversity programs, and practical steps companies can take in light of the decision and related trends.

Watch this episode.

For more information, please visit our conversation series page.