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April 26, 2024 - Resources

Climate Links: 4/26/2024

MoFo’s weekly Climate Links provide the latest industry updates from thought leaders and third-party sources. This week:

New Climate Alliance for Insurance Transition to Net Zero Emerges Amid ESG Pressures

  • The insurance industry has a crucial role to play in combating climate change. Recognizing this, the United Nations Environment Programme recently launched a new initiative, the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net Zero, to accelerate voluntary climate action within the sector. This forum takes the place of the disbanded Net-Zero Insurance Alliance.

Miami is ‘ground zero’ for climate risk. People move there, build there anyway

  • Miami is undergoing a population and development boom. Meanwhile, city officials, scientists, and other experts say it’s among the most vulnerable cities worldwide to the impacts of climate change.

Indigenous people protest Brazil not protecting ancestral lands

  • Several thousand Indigenous demonstrators marched chanting to drum beats to the seat of power in Brazil’s capital to protest against the government’s failure to protect their ancestral lands.

Gov. Gavin Newsom celebrates storage milestone, confirms California blackouts are not over yet

  • California officials celebrated a milestone in their quest to achieve a 100 percent clean grid by 2045: the installation of more than 10,000 megawatts of battery storage.

Can corals be saved?

  • In Florida, swaths of coral paint a colorful landscape across the ocean floor and serve a key role in its ecosystem. But last summer, amid the longest marine heat wave in decades, many were scorched — drained of color and their survival left in question. It’s a scenario becoming much more common.

The week in climate policy: 4 updates you need to know

  • The Biden administration launched a web portal for its American Climate Corps and announced 35 projects, across 20 states, that received a total of $1.93 billion from using the Inflation Reduction Act’s Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit (48C); California SB-938, a bill that would have banned gas and electrical utilities from using money from ratepayers to fund any political lobbying activities, failed in committee; and more.

ESG & Climate News: Climate Advocates Call on “Silent Majority” to Act In Pivotal Election Year

  • In the coming months, half of the world’s population will go to the polls. To say there is a lot at stake would be putting it mildly. Climate leaders are asking the silent majority that supports more climate action to speak up.