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May 31, 2024 - Resources

Climate Links: 5/31/2024

MoFo’s weekly Climate Links provide the latest industry updates from thought leaders and third-party sources. This week:

China Aims for Unified Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Standard by 2030

  • China’s Ministry of Finance has begun soliciting opinions on a draft guideline aimed at unifying corporate sustainability disclosures, with a vision of establishing a nationwide standard by 2030.

How mushrooms can help deal with water pollution

  • Recent research has found that residual waste from cultivating white button mushrooms can be used to help remove micropollutants from water. There have been other examples where fungi have shown promise in breaking down pollutants in the environment, a practice known as mycoremediation.

UN biodiversity summit chief: Make peace with nature or risk more war

  • The world must make peace with nature or risk fueling more global conflicts like the war in Gaza, the president of the upcoming United Nations COP16 biodiversity summit said. Colombia's Environment Minister, Susana Muhamad, laid out her priorities as COP16 president, along with a warning if the world fails to reform global governance to solve problems like the climate crisis.

US voters support holding fossil fuel companies liable for climate change

  • A majority of American voters support litigation against oil companies for the effects of climate change, according to a new survey by the left-leaning polling firm Data for Progress.

The week in climate policy: 4 updates you need to know

  • The California Chamber of Commerce is asking for a delay in the enforcement of California’s unprecedented corporate emissions disclosure laws; the U.S. Department of Treasury and the IRS proposed guidance for the Inflation Reduction Act’s forthcoming technology-neutral credits; and more.

ESG & Climate News: ISSB Adoption in Full Swing

  • Almost a year after the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) released its first two standards, it announced this week that more than half of the world’s economy has adopted them. The ISSB standards were created to consolidate and simplify sustainability disclosure standards and, indeed, they have acquired more than a few of the so-called “alphabet soup” of other ESG standards. ISSB’s intention from the start has been to create consistent, comparable, and decision-useful ESG information.